If your bandwidth usages is more than 5 GB then Money Back policy will not applicable.
cPanel fees of ($0.50) will be deducted for refund.
Any promotional offer/price will not applicable for refund.
VPS/Dedicated Server
Refund/Money Back policy not applicable for any VPS/Dedicated Server.
Refund/Money Back policy not applicable for any Proxy.
VPN Service
Refund/Money Back policy not applicable for any VPN Service.
Domain (Registration, Transfer, Renew)
Once any domain registration is done, the domain money will not be refunded.
If any domain transfer is initiated, the same will not be refunded.
No refunds will be given once a domain is renewed.
Platform Subscription, Bulk SMS, Software License and Others
Refund/Money Back policy not applicable for any Platform Subscription, Bulk SMS, Software License and Others.
* No refund will be admissible if your service is canceled/suspended/terminated due to non-compliance with our terms. * Add Funds in the client's account is non-refundable, it can be used to purchase any service. * After submitting the cancellation request, the account cannot be reactivated in any way, you have to purchase a new package.